New changes in the precious metal market
In the precious metal market, Qianjin and Wanzujin have always been the investment variety that has attracted much attention.In recent years, with the changes in the market environment and demand, the price differences between these two precious metals have also occurred.
First of all, let's take a brief understanding of thousands of money and thousands of feet.Thousands of gold refers to the alloy containing 999 ‰ of gold, that is, yellow synthetic materials; and 10,000 -foot gold refers to the synthetic material containing ‰ *** color synthetic materials.In terms of quality, ninety -nine -nine -nine -nine purity is more rare than only 999 ‰.
Analysis of the cause of price differences
Why is there a significant difference in thousands of feet and 10,000 feet?In fact, the main reason is that the number of yellow elements between the two is different.According to international regulations: The standard weight calculation method per gram can get the percentage value of the value contained in the corresponding unit!In addition, there are differences in production technology and production costs.
Market demand influence
As people have more rational and diversified investment in investment varieties, under the condition of some special periods or specific events, economic trend turbulence and other conditions, investors will look particularly cautious about risk control; and many institutional investors will pursue more to pursue more.High yields and avoiding inflation risks tend to purchase high purity (such as :) or other forms of physical storage methods!As a result, the demand for low -end products is gradually decreased.
Future trend outlook
In the future, in the context of the complex and changing global economic situation and turbulent political situation, the lack of confidence in the entire society and the adjustment of consumer behavior may make the price of certain types of goods fluctuate greatly; at the same time, it may also promote a significant increase in certain types of goods to rise significantly.Price.Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to consider the expected profit margin in the intersection of the crossroads!
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